Let's be real. The last years have been brutal. We keep waiting for relief, only to be hit with wave after wave. It's a lot.Meanwhile, life and our many obligations continue. Somehow, we keep going. But how can we flourish, when it feels like it takes everything just to survive?The truth is, things will likely continue to be intense in one way or the other for the foreseeable future. These are the times we live in - ones of great challenge, great opportunity, and great consequence. So how do we want to be, given this reality? Do we want to just bear down and get through it? Or do we want to find a way to thrive, to flourish, and to even bring our gifts to bear in service of life?Clarissa Pinkola-Estes wrote, "We were made for these times."And, all of this is impossible when we are alone. In the face of great isolation, we need each other, more than ever before. It's time to rise together.


Come sisters, come brothers, come mothers, come fathers.
Come all those who feel alone and isolated.
Come all those who feel overwhelmed and NEVER alone.
Come those who want to make more of a contribution.
Come those who have trouble just getting out of bed
Come those who feel ALL of the things
Come those who feel numb.
You are NOT alone.
And all of you, exactly as you are, are welcome.
This circle will be a space to:
1) Grieve/heal/release/metabolize all that has been
2) Establish supportive practices and routines for resilience, and
3) Envision & step into possibilities for flourishing and bringing our gifts forward at this time of great collective need.
And to do it all together, not alone.


To begin, we will lay a foundation. We will co-create a circle of care, trust, acceptance, and mutual support - a sanctuary, where we remember we are not alone and where we can support and uplift one another.We will invite exquisite compassion, curiosity, and gentleness with ourselves and one other.With that safe container, we will open loving space to process, to grieve, to release, to compost, and to heal. We will let go and reconstitute.We will explore and establish routines and practices (new and old) that cultivate our resilience and help us to gather strength.And then with our inner soil more ready and clear, and our outer life supported by practices for resilience, we will begin to envision what is next for us and to take steps toward our unique expression of our gifts, in service of our own flourishing lives and the flourishing of the whole.


Over the course of three months, we will co-create a virtual garden of mutual support for flourishing. We will meet online, while grounding our learning and practice in each of our own place-based localities.The following strands will weave our basket together:

  • Six 2 hour Group Coaching Calls - the following Thursdays from 3-5 pm Pacific time: March 9, March 30, April 13, April 27, May 18, June 1

  • Monthly "office hours" with Katia Sol for questions and 1-1 laser coaching

  • A day-long deep-dive retreat on April 15th (hybrid)

  • 1-1 practice partnership / peer coaching support

  • Engaged practices for cultivating self-awareness and resilience

  • In between calls, you will be part of an active community of practice, with an online forum for ongoing mutual support

  • Optional participation in a weekend long retreat in June


Hi, I'm Katia. My greatest passion is designing and facilitating spaces that support deep healing, connection, transformation and flourishing. I have been facilitating transformative spaces for 25 years, including intercultural and interracial dialogue circles, the Heart of Leadership, the Ecology of Leadership, Gratitude Retreats, Women's Leadership circles and retreats, and more. I have my doctorate in Transformative Leadership and Learning, and am a lecturer at Stanford University in the areas of leadership and wellness education.


FLOURISH is offered by sliding scale as a way to support community equity and accessibility. Always, I seek to offer in a way that feels honoring for all.Please select the payment amount that feels right for you in the spirit of reciprocity and right relationship.

  • $1195 - Rose (BIPOC or self-identify as low income)

  • $1495 - Jasmine (Standard tuition)

  • $1795 - Bougainvillea (Feeling abundant)

Payment plans are available.


© Katia Sol 2023. All rights reserved.